Latest news

On this page we would like to inform you about the latest research progress, meetings, lectures,
publications and results of the PREPARE project.

February 12, 2025:
Public Lecture in the series Biopsychosoziale Mittwochsreihe 2025 of the University Medical Center Göttingen “Risikokommunikation in der zukünftigen hausärztlichen Versorgung: Einstellungen zu und ethische Implikationen einer Alzheimer-Früherkennung”

Dr. Julia Perry & Dr. Felix Rebitschek

January 10, 2025:
Chalk Talk “Will ich es wissen? Zur Ethik der Risikovorhersage von Altersdemenz”

Prof. Dr. Silke Schicktanz and Dr. Julia Perry in their public Chalk Talk in the Forum Wissen in Göttingen gave insights into their research in medical ethics.

December 09, 2024:
Scenario workshop under the leading question “Between screening and individual demand for blood-based biomarker tests for the early detection of Alzheimer’s disease: Interdisciplinary visions for the future of primary care” at the University Medical Center Göttingen.

November 25, 2024:
Lecture at the symposium “Actively preventing dementia. Motivation, prevention and early detection” (Programm) the Rhineland-Palatinate State Dementia Office at the State Office for Social Affairs, Youth and Care. Sub-project leader Prof. Dr. Silke Schicktanz will present her lecture “To be tested or not? Early diagnostics as an ethical question”, she will also present our PREPARE project.

October 23-26, 2024:
Participation in the 49th practica event in Bad Orb, where around 1,000 participants, mainly from GP practices, came together under the theme “I still know” (program). Our research associate Gamze Altas-Trippler presented the PREPARE project and its upcoming online survey, which focuses on early detection of Alzheimer’s disease using biomarkers in GP care and is aimed at interested GPs. Altas-Trippler talked to around 100 GPs, many of whom would like to take part in the study.