Further information

General information on dementia in Germany

The Deutsche Alzheimergesellschaft Selbsthilfe Demenz e. V. (German Alzheimer’s Association Dementia Self-Help) offers comprehensive information and services on the topic of dementia on its website. The Federal Ministry of Health provides an online guide to dementia.

Quality-assured information on Alzheimer’s dementia can be found on the website gesundheitsinformation.de of the Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care (IQWiG) and on the state health portal gesund.bund.de.

Local information and offers for Lower Saxony and Göttingen

Local information and offers are provided by the Alzheimer’s societies Lower Saxony and Göttingen.

The memory clinic at Göttingen University Medical Center is a special consultation for people with memory disorders and their relatives.

Information suitable for children

With its “What’s wrong with Grandma?” program, TU Dresden provides information on dementia that is suitable for children.

Editors: Dr. Julia Perry and Dr. Katrin Radenbach from the University Medical Center Göttingen and Dr. Ayda Rostamzadeh from the University Hospital Cologne.